3D Camera Tracking with Practical Effects
Run Time - 20:56 Release Date - 1/14/15
Watch us try and use the powerful 3D Camera Tracker in After Effects with many of the cosmic practical effects we have captured in past episodes.
I am a novice with these techniques but I am very excited about the possibilities that 3D tracking provides.
Especially with giving many of our past "in-camera" effects a whole new life and look as they are composited into real world environments.
Download the video assets we used in this link !!!
And if you want to know how we created are "In-Camera" elements featured check out these episodes...
Cloud Tank Creation -
Creating the Cosmos -
Here is a good tutorial that serves as a good starter project into the After Effects 3D tracker by VIDEO CO-PILOT...(and you can download the video file)
Skip to the 17 minute mark
Music by: Big Fok
In Association with: PBS Digital Studios