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Run Time -  5:11   Release Date -  10/28/15

Sequence from CREATING THE COSMOS, a film being made for the IMAX® and giant screen theaters.

First screened at the Giant Screen Cinema Association's annual conference in San Francisco this past September with IMAX's® groundbreaking new 4K laser projection system.

After creating Shanks FX episodes for the past 3 years, I realized that one of the underlying components of my "in-camera" visual effects was capturing real world physics in action. From magnetic putty to dry ice bubbles, the things I captured on camera were often based on science and physics.

I thought - a giant screen film about DIY physics and fluid dynamics would be a fresh contribution consistent with my niche. It would deal with both outer-space and nature - a large percentage of the giant screen market.

If you are curious on what it would be like for a DIY filmmaker trying to break into the IMAX® & giant screen market, check out the 4500 word write-up I did of my adventures in getting this video made and ultimately projected onto the second largest screen in North America with the entire giant screen community in attendance.

Read it here...

In Association with: PBS Digital Studios

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